Friday, January 30, 2009

Positive Thinking

OK...I suck at keeping this updated...if I could stay off FB I could probably get more done! LOL! ARE going up this weekend.

This week has been a strange experience. I know intellectually that positive thinking can do wonders but I have never really truly experienced it. So...tried to be positive every morning this week and actually's going to be a great day! And you know was! Hmmmm...will have to try that more often!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Early morning ramblings

OK..please tell me someone...when I am the most tired why I wake up so early and not be able to go back to sleep! This morning started at 3:45...although I did doze a little until about 4:45..but after sleep! Limited sleeps makes for a very cranky teacher!

OK..on a lighter note - this is a sampling of a conversation Kathryn and Arthur had yesterday.
K "Daddy...what's my homework today?"
A "Read a book with a parent"
K "I can't do that...."
A "Why"
K "I don't think I have that. What's a parent?"

Gotta love that....I guess we haven't said the word parent too much in the past 5 years. I know I am guilty of that...we always say mommy and daddy, even when referring to other people. I guess I know what we need to say a little more!

Adjusting to being back in school has been tough on all of us. The girls have been coming home absolutely exhausted. Last night was the first night all week they did NOT go to sleep at about 6pm and sleep all night. Last night they made it to about 7 although they were very cranky. I am so looking forward to the weekend so we can get back on schedule and they can get a little more rest.

Bathroom update...shower wall is up, caulking is done, and the "new wood" that is now exposed has been painted. Shower rod will be up today with curtain so we can go back to using it and then all that is left is the final re-painting of the rest of the bathroom and trim. I am so ready for it to be done...although I haven't really done anything. Arthur has done a great job with it! Very impressive!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rainy Days

You know...I know we need the rain and I am extremely grateful for it....but fingers crossed it stops before time to leave for school. I would much rather just sleep through rain rather than actually have to go out in it!

Monday, January 5, 2009

It's about time!

OK...this time it is going to take...going to be pro-active and actually post the link on my facebook page...then the next step...letting everyone know. I decided that it's time that others are more able to keep up with all the comings and goings of our exciting family! I sit here, wondering what to say, knowing that there are clothes in the dryer that just got done, the kids are asleep (and have been since 6! really wore out today!), Arthur is gone to a buddy's to watch a game, and the 2nd Twilight book is waiting on I sit typing.

Is this going to be my next stress reliever???? Probably so....lots of change is in the air so be on the lookout for some exciting news. But in a humdrum discoveries today:
1. Sitting in a training for several hours, that is extremely boring and mind-numbing, when you disagree with just about all the ego-centric presenter has said, is NOT a lovely way to start the week. (oh..and did I mention I found out about it literally as I walked in the door to work!)
2. My husband is really doing a great job on remodeling our bathroom and actually knows what he is doing!
3. Having good friends that are willing to take your children for the day, at the last that they avoid the mind-numbing training, is one of the most awesome feelings in the world!
4. I have a make that 2 daughters...that I think are even more stubborn than I am (Sorry mom and I know what you went through!)
5. I actually am enjoying reading pre-teen and teen novels (you know...the Twilight and Harry Potter series)...but don't spread that around...after all I have a rep to protect!
6. Not watching TV may actually be a good thing! to get ready for bed and snuggle in to read!